Tamara Mellon’s Mobile Closet is returning – just in time for the holidays!
Starting November 28th, her mobile closet will be parked for a few weeks at the District, and fully stocked with an assortment of her luxury shoes, bags, and accessories.

We had the pleasure of catching up with the Founder herself and want to share some snippets from our conversation covering her success, inspiration, and of course her favorite pieces this season.

The inside scoop…



Tamara Mellon, Designer

You're quoted as saying that your eponymous brand is your reboot, and after this year we are all about a reboot. What have been your most important and creatively fulfilling milestones since your launch? 

TM: It’s been fulfilling to disrupt the luxury industry with my eponymous brand and bringing premium quality shoes to market at direct-to-consumer prices.  I also love not being restrained by the old fashion calendar, so I’m able to drop product when I want to and at a price that gives my customers an amazing value. 


The Mobile Closet provides a personalized way of experiencing your brand. How did you conceptualize this way of engaging with your audience? 

TM: After designing shoes for over 25 years, one of my favorite places to be is my shoe closet and I wanted to bring this experience to my customers. It feels like an adult candy store and I know women will love it. We hit the road late last year in 2019 and have been visiting top locations across the US, going directly to our customers so she can touch, feel and try on my shoes for herself. 


Who is the Tamara Mellon woman? Describe her in a few words.  

TM: I don’t think about the Tamara Mellon woman in demographics like age, income etc. I think about her in attitude and her love for fashion and quality in the product she buys. 


What are you most excited about this season? 

TM: We’ve been hearing from our customers that they are not just buying for comfort, but they are also buying fashion pieces that bring them joy.  A few of our best sellers this fall have been the Legacy Knee High 100 boot and Studio 54 pump. 



Saturday, November 28 – Sunday, December 20 
Monday – Saturday: 11am – 6pm
 Sunday: 12pm – 6pm

Located between Gray House and Dolce & Gabbana; Across from Toulouse Café & Bar